The stricto sensu postgraduate courses in Brazil are accredited and evaluated by CAPES, a funding agency of the Ministry of Education. The courses were evaluated every three years by specialists in the area according to the following parameters:

- Program Proposal;
- Faculty;
- Student Body, Theses and Dissertations;
- Intellectual Production;
- Social Insertion.

In 1990, the Fernando Collor federal government decided to extinguish CAPES. At that time, there was a reaction from the scientific community and soon the organ was recreated, and instituted, in 1992, the alphabetical evaluation system. The current numerical evaluation system (from 3 to 7) was implemented for the 1998-2000 period. According to it, courses with grades below 3 are disqualified.

According to the 2010-2012 Evaluation Report, notes 6 and 7 are given to programs in which 'internationalization is evident through productive agreements and with significant results in intellectual production, but also in the sense that these programs have been reaching international standards, that is, they are comparable to large centers in the same area abroad'. Besides, national and even international leadership capacity and the capacity of constitution of other academic centers of Philosophy in different places are considered as evaluation criteria. Grade 7 is attributed to courses that, in addition to all the characteristics that mark a Program Grade 6, obtained Grade 6 for at least 2 consecutive three-year periods and stand out in parameters such as national leadership and international recognition.

In the 2013 triennial, for the period 2010 to 2012, for the first time, grade 7 was awarded to a course in the Philosophy area. This grade was attributed only to the UFMG and to USP Programs, recognizing their effective internationalization.

The assessments were then made for four-year periods and at the end of the four-year period of 2016, referring to the period 2013-2016, grade 6 was attributed to the UFMG Philosophy Program. The quadrennial 2017-2020 is currently underway and ends in March 2021.

Detailed criteria and other information on the evaluation of Postgraduate Programs in Brazil can be found on the CAPES website through the Sucupira platform (